Andreja Dugandžić


Izašle iz Sarajeva. U Travniku su konvoj autobusa, u jednom od kojih smo bile i mi, dočekali mještani koji su nas odveli svojim kućama i nahranili. Nama je jedna žena napravila supu, pile i krompir u rerni i zelenu salatu. Tamo smo i prespavale. Sutradan smo stigle u Split gdje su nas smjestili u sportsku dvoranu. Mama je uzela telefonski imenik i našla djevojačko prezime svoje majke i nazvala te ljude i oni rekli da dođemo kod njih. U ulicu Ružice Markotić.

Nakon dva mjeseca u Splitu gdje smo potrošile sve pare koje smo imale, kao da smo išle na ljetovanje, rođaci su nazvali druge rođake i rekli im da smo tamo. Preselile smo u Veliku Goricu kod drugih rođaka. Ta kuća je bila hladna i nedovršena. Ulica Slavoljuba Penkale.

Rat. Na televiziji i u životu.

Andreja Dugandžić:

(1978) živi i radi u Sarajevu.  Posvećena je feministkinja, a više od trinaest godina angažirana je na promociji i afirmaciji feminizma, kao producentkinja, organizatorica, kulturna radnica, multimedijalna umjetnica i aktivistkinja. Radi u Udruženju za kulturu i umjetnost CRVENA i jedna od rukovoditeljica programa„Šta je nama naša borba dala?” koji istražuje nasljeđe i relevantnost Antifašističkog fronta žena u Bosni i Hercegovini i Jugoslaviji. Od 2007. godine nastupala je i izlagala širom bivše Jugoslavije i inozemstva, a jed- na je od članica legendarnog benda Starke. Od 2013. aktivna je i u muzičkom projektu Black Water and her Daughter. Također je zainteresirana za istraživanje raznih društvenih,  kulturnih i rodnih dimenzija hrane i kuhanja, kao i pitanjima kućnog rada i ekonomije domaćinstva


We left Sarajevo. When the convoy, our bus included, arrived in Travnik, it was welcomed by locals who took us to their homes, and fed us. Our hostess made soup for us, and a whole roasted chicken and potatoes, and lettuce. We spent the night there. The next day we arrived in Split where they put us all in a sports hall. My mom took a phone book and looked for her mother‘s maiden name, and called these people; they told us to come to their place. To Ružica Markotić Street.

After two months in Split, where we spent all the money we had, as if we were on a holiday, our relatives called our other relatives, and told them about our situation. Then we moved to Velika Gorica. This other relatives’ house was cold and unfinished. Slavoljub Penkala Street.

War. Both on television and in life.

Born 1978, lives and works in Sarajevo. She is a devoted feminist, and for over thirteen years, she has been engaged in its promotion and affirmation, as a producer, organizer, cultural worker, multimedia artist and activist. She works at the Association for Culture and Arts CRVENA as a co-manager of the “What has our struggle given us?” programme. Since 2007 she has performed and exhibited throughout ex-Yugoslavia and internationally and is one of the members of the legendary band STARKE. Since 2013 she has been active at the music project “Black Water and her Daughter”. She is also interested in the exploration of various social, cultural and gender dimensions of food and cook- ing, as well as questions of house labor and household economics.