Dženan Hadžihasanović
Blank Title
Kroz svoje posljednje radove istražujem nekoliko društveno-političkih tema i obrađujem , odnosno izražavam svoja razmišljanja i mišljenja o njima kroz slikarstvo.
Radi se o evidentnom kretanu ljudi, migracijama, izbjeglicama, jer često viđam ljude koji protestuju s određenim ciljem i razlogom ali bez efekta – ne uspijevaju promijeniti ništa od onog zbog čega protestuju, što ostavlja gorak ukus i osjećaj kod svakog normalnog pojedinca. Treba dodati da bi sve nas na razmišljanje trebali potaknuti problemi i razlozi zbog kojih ljudi moraju izaći na ulicu protestovati – nemarna i bahata povrjeđivanja osnovnih ljudskih prava kao što su pravo na zadržavanje domova pod hipotekama, pravo da izrazimo mišljenje i zabrinutost o trenutnim ratovima ili krahu bankarskog sistema i tako dalje. Moja ideja je bila vrlo jednostavna – da zabilježim na platnu sve te gužve prosvjednika, masu ljudi koji nose transparente sa iskazanim porukama i problemima, ali u mojim slikama transparente ostavljam praznim.
Reakcije na prvih par predstavljenih slika bile su vrlo ohrabrujuće u smislu da je istina evidentnija ako posmatramo problem sa aspekta prazno ostavljenog trasnparenta. Također, primjetio sam da su u razgovoru dali značaja i mirnim protestima, kao obliku dostizanja cilja.
U procesu razvoja materije beskorisnih protesta, otkrio sam druge slične fenomene. Trenutno slikam seriju slika koje prikazuju duge redove ljudi, koji po cijele dane čekaju u redu za stvari zbog kojih u 21. stoljeću ne bi trebali čekati – hljeb, mlijeko, topli obrok u javnim kuhinjama, u redu za banku, autobuskom stajalištu itd. No, tek sam na početku razvoja ove serije slika i tek trebam shvatiti kako će funkcionisati pred publikom.
Na osnovu dosadašnjih razgovora sa kolegama i prijateljima, na osnovu njihvoih reakcija, predviđam da će ova serija slika obuhvatiti mnogo širu problematiku u društvu i isprovocirati nova razmišljanja.
Kad su u pitanju konkrenti radovi koje ću predstaviti, moram reći da je moja reakcija spram društveno-političkih fenomena koje obrađujem u svojim slikama, postala mnogo veći i dugotrajniji proces, i volio bih predstaviti nekoliko slika iz serije „Queuing“, koje su u procesu.
Dženan Hadžihasanović:
Rođen je u Sarajevu 1987 godine. Diplomirao je slikarstvo na Akademiji Likovnih Umjetnosti i završio ljetnu internacionalnu akademiju „The Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts“. Trenutno slika, bavi se performansom, izlaže i bavi se restauracijom zidnog slikarstva. Izlagao je na brojnim internacionalnim kolektivnim i solo izložbama, neke od njih su: „Blank Title“ u gradskoj galeriji Collegium artisticum, „Hands of Time“, u galeriji Zvono u Sarajevu, „Treat your in a foreign land“ – La Char- lama teatar, Festival Bone 16, Schlachthaus theater, Bern, Švicarska, „Hands of Time“ – galrija Alcatraz Halain, Austrija; „La Charlene theater“ performans, „Jump in to the Unknown,“ Side event 56. „La Biennale di Venezia“
Blank Title
Through my latest work I research on several socio-political topics and I elab- orate i.e. I express my thoughts and thinking about them through painting.
It is about the evident movement of people, migrations, refugees, because I often see people protesting with a certain aim and cause but without any ef- fect – they don’t manage to change anything what they are protesting against, which leaves a bitter taste and feeling in every normal individual. I must add that we should all think about the problems and reasons which make people go out on the streets; it is careless to hurt basic human rights such as the right to keep their homes on mortgages, or the right to give support and express worries about current wars or the crush of the banking system and so on. My idea was very simple – to paint all that crowd, mass of people who hold their banners with messages and problems written on them, but in my paintings I left the banners blank.
When I brought my first couple of paintings in front of an audience, the re- actions were very encouraging in terms of that the truth is more obvious if we look at it from the aspect of these blank banners. I also noticed that the audience was really inspired and was talking about the importance of so called‚ peaceful protests‘. I had a feeling that I hit the right tone because everybody actually wanted to say what was very clearly readable from my paintings, but they just couldn‘t find the way. I realize that I shall continue making paintings with the same content but in various sizes and depicting various places. In the attachments you can find photos of those works and see to which point I had developed it. There is also a text from my solo show simply titled „Blank Title‘‘.
As I was developing this matter of useless protesters, I discovered other similar phenomena and currently I am painting a series and shows people waiting in long rows, queuing all day long for things like bread, milk, a warm meal at soup kitchens, bank offices, bus stations and so on for which they should not queue in the 21st century. But, I‘m just at the beginning of this particular series, so I have no real experience in what way and how these works will react with the audience. I can only say that, in my usual conversations with my colleagues and friends, based on their reactions, this „Queuing‘‘ series will enclose wider issues, and provoke more and more thinking.
What is important to say, concerning the question about which exact works I will exhibit, frankly, I must say that my reaction toward socio-political phenome- na that I deal with in my paintings actually became one long-term process, so I would like to show a few works from the “Queuing” serial, but I have just fin- ished only the first one. So, regarding photos for the catalogue, it shall be no problem to use pictures from the attachment here, which, as I explained, are very similar and are part of the one big process.
Born in Sarajevo 1987, graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts, Department of painting at the University of Sarajevo, completed “The Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts”. Currently he is painting, performing, having exhibitions and carrying out restoration work; he participated at numerous inter- national collective and solo exhibitions: “Blank Title” at the city gallery Collegium artisticum, “Hands of Time”, Zvono Gallery, Sarajevo, “Treat you in a foreign land” – La Charlama theater festival Bone16, performance art festival, Bern (CH), “Hands of Time” – Gallery Alcatraz Halain, Austria; “La Charlene theater” performance – Curator Park Byong Uk, “Jump in to the Unknown”, side event 56. “La Biennale di Venezia”, …