Nenad Veličković

Slike u razbijenom ogledalu

1. Narod

Sitni interes je njegov najkrupniji ideal. Dok zaokružuje imena na izbornim listima, on glasa za policiju koja će okretati glavu od njegovog gepeka punog duhana, za rođaka koji će ga zaposliti u državnoj firmi bez konkursa, za pajdu koji će mu namještati tendere, za gazdu u čijoj kladionici radi, za tužioca koji će mu biti advokat, za novinara koji će mu guslati istinu, za nastavnika koji će mu čuvati klonove, za merhametli carinika, za oficire odlikovane hadžilukom, za sveštenika s opijumom u kadionici, za šumara sa vatom u ušima, za biznis koji na temeljima propalih fabrika pravi poslovne tornjeve, za inspekciju u separeu, za sudstvo na kanafi, za patriote koji zavičaje pretvaraju u nekretnine, za dilere iz komšiluka, za burke i bureke.

Nenad Veličković:

Je kao suvlasnik Književne radionice Omnibus uredio preko 20 knjiga domaćih i stranih autora. Pokretač/urednik/saradnik više listova i časopisa (Vizija, Omnibus, Alčak, FAN, Književni žurnal, Školegijum, Textura, Riječ i smisao), Igre za djecu i pozorište (drame, 2014). Nekoliko romana doživjeli su više izdanja i prevoda na talijanski. Radi kao vanredni profesor na Filozofskom fakultetu u Sarajevu.

Images in the Broken Mirror

1. The People

Petty interest is their greatest ideal. While they circle names on election lists, they vote for the police ready to turn away from their trunks full of tobacco, for the relative who will hire them in a public company without any vacancy, for the buddy who will fix tenders, for the boss whose betting shop they work in, for the prosecutor who will be their attorney, for the journalist who will keep chanting the truth to them, for the teacher who will care for their clones, for the generous customs officer, for the army officers awarded Hajj, for the priest with opium in his censer, for the forester with earplugs, for the company which builds business towers on the foundations of failed factories, for the inspectorates in private dining rooms, for the puppet judiciary, for patriots turning hometowns into real estate, for the local dealers, for burkas and bureks.

He is an associate professor at the Department of Literature, Faculty of Phi- losophy at the University of Sarajevo. He is also one of the most socially engaged writers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. His PhD thesis on Ideological Instrumentalisation of Literature in Bosniak, Croat and Serb Textbooks was completed in 2010. Apart from being the editor-in-chief of Školegijum, he has edited more than 20 titles (by both local and foreign authors) for the Omnibus publishing house, which he co-owned from 1999 to 2007. He co-founded and edited several magazines and publications such as Vizija, Omnibus, Alčak, FAN, Književni žurnal. His books were translated in to more than 10 languages. He received several awards for radio dramas and, in 1995, his book Đavo u Sarajevu was awarded as the best short story collection. He was a guest lecturer at many universities.